Category Archives: history of erotica

Betty Brosmer, innocent and busty

I said the other day on Twitter that an innocent-looking lady showing a lot of cleavage makes my heart melt. I was referring to a different picture, but this is the picture that really stands for that feeling in my mind.

It took me several years to find an actual copy of this magazine, at a New York City flea market in Chelsea–I got it about ten years ago for $25–and when I finally bought it, the dealer thought I wanted it for a picture of Bettie Page inside. It was a nice pic of Page, but I explained to him that it was the Betty on the cover that had turned this magazine into a kind of Holy Grail for me. When I finally got my hands on this issue, I thought to myself, “Well, I might as well stop collecting vintage men’s magazines now. I have found my ultimate prize.”

Of course I didn’t stop collecting–that was not possible. Although perhaps I did slow down quite a bit.

This to me is just the most beautiful men’s magazine cover of all. Amazing picture, amazing Betty Brosmer.

I got the picture of the cover off the web (just didn’t feel like digging the actual magazine out of my files at 6 a.m. when I was writing this) and discovered (thank you, Google Image Search) you can even get a photo print of this great cover here on Amazon made by a manufacturer called Posterazzi. I don’t work for Posterazzi; just passing the info along for your interest!


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Femdom fountain of youth…

I was talking with one of my longtime friends from childhood, who is my age, and he was saying how he made no secret of being an “old man,” particularly in his line of work so full of younger colleagues. I told him I felt the same way, and did not shy away from pointing out that in my own field of endeavor, erotica/porn/smut/whatever-you-wanna-call-it, I talk proudly of my many decades of experience.

In fact, 2024 marks the fiftieth year I have been in the literary stimulation business. In 1974 I made my first professional writing dollars for two porn novels, The Screaming Virgins (it was BDSM week at the porn novel factory) and The Punk Stud and His Women (about a young guy entranced by the topless bars of ’70s Times Square).

Nowadays I write a lot about femdom, of course, which is one of my personal fascinations as well as the focus of some of my freelance clients’ websites. And sometimes I think that my mental intoxication with these desires, musings, realities and fantasies keeps the inner me forever young, always yearning…

I was never a follower of politics until recent years when it has become unavoidable, and I think William Butler Yeats’ poem, found here, still sums up my attitude, although I cannot help on a daily basis getting into discussions on the fate of our world…


At Union Square in New York City, late January 2024.

The New York Review of Books offers “literary napkins” for Valentine’s Day, with passionate quotes from various scribes through the centuries, and I think anyone in the swirl of admiration for a lovely dominatrix, or any lady for that matter, can relate to James Joyce’s words to Nora Barnacle as highlighted in this sample from their catalog here:

Yes, it is cold in January, but when we can embrace pleasant daydreams–an upside of being a fiction writer, depending on one’s theme–spring is never very far away. 


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“A certified sleaze classic”–yes, I aim to please! ;)

In the middle of May 2023 I was interviewed for a very interesting podcast called Tales from the Mall. Host Brendan, who can be found on Twitter at @luso_brendan here, talks with and records his interviewees on a wide variety of topics over the phone or Zoom while he walks around various malls in Arizona, where he lives.

We had a fun two-hour-plus chat about many different subjects, focusing on my career in porn, how I got into it and so forth; erotic artists I’ve known and worked with like Sardax, with whom I recently collaborated on Tamara, Eternal Dominatrix; but also spending much time discussing film noir and noir fiction, touching especially on the recent novels of contemporary noir novelist Jay Cameron Parker; the summer I worked as an NBC page in NYC and briefly met Julie “Catwoman” Newmar backstage at NBC’s Tonight Show in the early ’70s Johnny Carson years; my constant strolling around New York City, going to BDSM dungeons and dominatrices, and lots more! It can be found on his Patreon account here

One tweeter described it as a “certified sleaze classic.” Sounds good to me! We certainly covered a lot of ground in the podcast, too, for those who like to leaven their sleaze with other ingredients, like film noir. 😉

It’s always nice to be called an “extraordinary genius writer” but I won’t let it go to my head. I hear something in my ear like what the guys said who stood behind the commanders when they marched triumphantly back into ancient Rome after successful campaigns doing what Romans did to everybody, conquering them:

“Remember, thou art only a man!”

In my case I also hear, as a late art director named Charley would proclaim when he saw me in the office to edit some of my “dirty” magazines:

“You little sleazeball!”

Thanks to Brendan for this opportunity to chat and, of course, to promote my femdom erotica on Kindle as well as my new “specialty library” of more psychological fiction and my noir novel Fate of a Stripper, all of which you can find here

This book takes you back to 1978 NYC and Times Square in all their sleazy allure!
Where will a conversation in a midtown Manhattan bar lead a dedicated bookworm and a feisty redhead who tempts and puzzles him in equal measure?
My noirish psychological suspense novel set in Times Square as it was right up to the pandemic...and one of the best things I’ve ever written.


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1950s strippers in my home! My tv is my time machine

Late night viewing a couple of months ago…

I love books and I love strippers! 😉

I always prefer seeing strippers live but haven’t been to the clubs in years after being a decades-long aficionado. Changes in my financial situation made dishing out $10 for a beer and $20 each for lapdances impossible and then of course there was the pandemic to close things down for awhile. A friend of mine went to a club recently but he didn’t make it sound too lively.

Anyway, it’s hard to see strippers from the 1950s anywhere but on video these days, right?

So that’s a peek at the view from my couch as I watched Naughty New Orleans, which I got from Sinister Cinema here, a great source for vintage films.

A fun movie with some sexy “peelers” and amusing “baggy pants” burlesk comics.

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Posted by on April 30, 2023 in Burlesque, Erotica, history of erotica


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I desperately need more work

Selfie with skyscrapers…

Things change. Businesses change. When I started this blog in 2011, although I didn’t know it then, I was in the middle of the best year I would ever have financially as a writer.

I had a main client at an adult magazine company based in New Jersey, a longtime veteran of the business, and I wrote many short stories, articles, and erotic letters for her, and even sometimes the “girl copy” or captions that accompanied the pictorials she ran in her magazines. I wrote for other editors at the same company too. For another outfit, a major adult website in Eastern Europe, I wrote and assembled three online newsletters a week as well as clip descriptions. It was a busy, fun, and very productive year. I didn’t make “big” money, but I made a decent living, just from writing (I was no longer editing magazines), and I even managed to save a little. I wrote maybe a couple hundred thousand words that year, or the equivalent of two very long books, and I never just “banged ’em out.” Every job got tender loving care. I can’t work any other way. 

Then came 2012 and everything fell apart. That chief editorial client lost her job, left the porn field as far as I know, and although I have tried, I have never been able to find another who paid as well and gave me as much steady work and interesting assignments. And then the magazine company–for whom I continued to do a lot of writing–went out of business. And thus truly began my odyssey through the world of online erotica writing, as the reliable sex publications industry in which I had been toiling since 1974 basically collapsed thanks to competition with Internet porn, free or paid.

I’ve had numerous clients since, but over the last couple of years it’s become more and more difficult to find clients who pay a living wage. I am offered rates that might have been reasonable in 1935 (barely), but certainly not in the world of the 2020s. But online I now compete with writers in other parts of the world who will work for 1 or 2 cents a word. That might have been acceptable in America when a hamburger was 15 cents and a cup of coffee a nickel, and you could rent a room for $5/week, but not now. I have to get at least 10-15 cents a word to make the work viable. Otherwise I can’t make enough money to pay my bills. Not the little bills. The bills that keep a roof over your head.

Example: a potential client, someone who seemed like a nice guy I would’ve enjoyed working for, recently wanted 200 word pieces for 2 cents a word. Said he could not pay more. The pieces would’ve taken me at least an hour. So I would have made 200 x .02 = $4.00/hour. I had to say no, because I’d have to work for close to two hours to approach minimum wage. It was not enough.

So I move on. I do what I can to find work in the field I know best and in which I have mastery. One has to be inventive. Here is something I just put up on Twitter the other day.

Basically my point is this. If you who are reading this could use my services–whether writing clip descriptions or any other kind of prose that you might need–or you know somebody else who can use my skills, contact me. Look at my portfolio right on this blog here, and you will see all the many things I have written. Maybe you need posts for a blog, or you want a privately commissioned short story as a gift for a lover or yourself. The possibilities are so many! At the bottom of the portfolio is my email address where I can be reached. And I can also be messaged on Twitter here.

I am flexible to work with. For example, if you don’t want ten clip descriptions for $500, I can do five for $250. I just have to make a living wage for the world of 2023 America, not for 1935. That’s all.

So that’s the story. Weeks have gone by, tax time is coming, monthly bills are coming, and I needed more work yesterday. Contact me and you’ll get your money’s worth.

If you want to see more of what I’ve been up to recently, check out this post too.

Thanks for reading. It was hard to write, because I try to maintain optimism and cool about all this stuff. I think I’m trying to channel Robert Mitchum in a film noir, or something: “Baby, I don’t care.” “If we gotta die, I’m gonna die last.” But the time has come to simply reach out to those who know me, and to those who don’t know me yet, and say,

“I need some more work now. So what can I do for you?”

When I solve this problem, I look forward to getting back to blogging about my usual topics of porn, books, films, art, and whatever else captures my fancy! And yours! 😉


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Meanness Is Their Method

In the late 1970s or early ’80s I wrote a story called “Looking for Mean Women” that was published by one of the lower-rent porn magazines. I probably have it in my archives somewhere, but I’ve lost track of it for the moment. But the title certainly sums up a lot of the fiction I’ve written since.

Talena Vorell, attorney at law, is very mean in this ebook which I published at the end of 2021. In fact, she might be one of the meanest dominatrix characters I’ve ever conjured up…

She calls herself an “erotic authoritarian” and her behavior lives up to it!

Check out her antics, as well as those of her female compatriots in cruelty, at my Amazon Kindle stores worldwide. Here is a quick link to the one in the U.S.

Happy and horny reading!

She took a new slave further into realizing his femdom fantasies than he could ever have imagined before he met her!


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Haunted by the memory of a showgirl…

Happy Halloween! In the spirit of it in this year 2022, I read Bram Stoker’s Dracula for the first time, after a friend on Twitter, the amazing Irish dominatrix SpoiltprincessG, mentioned that it was one of her favorite books. She is quite the reader and in fact that’s how we became acquainted online, when she told me she’d read some of my stories and we got to discussing other authors. In this 2019 post I recall what she thought of my book Fate of a Stripper.

I found Dracula truly an epic novel that illuminated many additional themes of a story so familiar from the innumerable Dracula or vampire films I’ve seen. One aspect of the original novel that never seems to show up in the movies is the deep comradeship between the young people, in late nineteenth century England, who are confronted with the monstrosity that is the blood-drinking count. The elderly, scholarly Dutch vampire fighter Dr. Van Helsing is their guide in the battle, but Stoker gives us a fuller sense of the circle of young men and women on whom Dracula preys, fuller than I can recall from any of the films I’ve seen–although Hammer’s initial 1958 Christopher Lee outing, Horror of Dracula, while heavily compressing the story, does capture some of the confusion and desperation of those under the siege of the fiend. Perhaps Francis Ford Coppola’s version captures some more of this; maybe I’ll re-watch it. Unfortunately, when I saw it thirty years ago in its original release, the movie made almost no impression on me. I don’t recall why.

In any case, being in this supernatural frame of mind, also having enjoyed the ghost stories of British writer Algernon Blackwood during the summer too, as well as revisiting Edgar Allan Poe’s essay “The Philosophy of Composition,” I thought I’d go for a change of pace in my own fiction writing, as I do now and then, with the result that I just published this short tale, “DO YOU REMEMBER ME, LILY?” 

It was initially inspired by the true story of a famous showgirl and burlesque dancer named Faith Bacon who committed suicide back in the 1950s. You can read about her on Wikipedia here. I’ve long thought about her tragic life and imagined what effect her death might have had on her fans, so using this as a plot springboard, I created a character named Lily Dyrell who is driven to a similar fate and whose self-destruction haunts one of her longtime admirers.

Walking around Times Square’s side streets nowadays, one sees amid all the boring new glassy construction the old buildings still standing here and there, so evocative of the noirish past. I decided to take a photo for my cover to get a flavor of world “Lily Dyrell” and her fan “Arthur J. Merkellin” would have moved through.

Obviously my story is not an epic like Dracula but a short, modest tale in the Poesque mode of composition, aiming to create the effects of both fear and sadness as Arthur, confronted with Lily’s spirit, comes to a heartbreaking realization about what was going through the head of his now-deceased dancing goddess.

“DO YOU REMEMBER ME, LILY?” is available at Amazon worldwide as an ebook that can be read on tablets, computers, phones, and Kindles.

By the way, here is the edition of Dracula that I read. The striking face on the cover, which to me looked like a combination of both Bela Lugosi and George Zucco, horror movie kings of the 1940s, was actually a portrait of the Victorian-era British superstar Henry Irving in the role of Mephistopheles. Bram Stoker worked for Irving for many years and the character of Dracula was indeed partly inspired by the actor’s commanding personality.

Finally, if you read and enjoy my new ebook, you might also savor the twists and turns of my supernatural femdom erotica tale, The Dominatrix Who Couldn’t Die, also available as an ebook at Amazon


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Tina Louise as Sappho, Warrior Chariotrix!

It was a feast for the eyes to see Tina Louise playing Sappho and at the reins of a chariot in The Warrior Empress!

I took these shots awhile ago, so I can’t even remember the plotline, but Kerwin Mathews, aka Sinbad of beloved Ray Harryhausen fanboy memory, played her stalwart lover. Yes, I know Sappho was a lesbian, and was a poet and not a warrior empress, but this was a 1960 sword-and-sandal movie, so…allowances must be made. And it was Tina Louise at her most beauteous!! It was fun.

Of course I had to include a shot where she looks sternly at somebody. Love my dominatrixes! 😉


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Posted by on September 30, 2022 in Erotica, Femmes Fatale, history of erotica


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Wandering through The English Mansion!

I’m really addicted to thoughts of sexually dominant women in many forms, whether it’s a model in an online swimwear catalog who looks like she’s ready to kick my ass for daring to ogle her, or a mid-20th century Sax Rohmer pulp novel about a domineering female supervillain named Sumuru…or in writing about dommes in my freelance social media assignments, or in fiction like The Revenge of Adorable Gwen which I talked about in my last blog post here. Yes, I am preoccupied with The Dominatrix.

If you’ve read the previous post you know that the Adorable Gwen story, which I wrote to original paintings by the great British artist of femdom fantasy Sardax, took place in a small, imaginary gynocratic nation Sardax dubbed “Masotopia,” after Leopold von Sacher-Masoch, the 19th century Austrian writer from whose name we get the word “masochism.” Now the Gwen novella is being serialized current on The English Mansion site here, which is kind of like a femdom nation unto itself too!

Mistress Sidonia welcomes us to her realm!

It may be a website, but in a larger sense it also an onscreen utopia of the entire spectrum of BDSM and femdom dreams brought to vivid cinematic, photographic, and written reality by glorious mistresses who really live the life, who are skilled performers and professional dommes who demonstrate an inner passion to rule submissive men and teach them their proper places.

Whether I was watching the Mansion’s webmaster Mistress Sidonia in her full domina regalia talking to a hapless chained slave in a POV style video…

Mistress Sidonia’s verbal intensity is as strong as any slave chain!

…or observing her performance alter ego “Miss Eve Harper,” described on the site as “the boss from hell and a wife that will take strict charge of you in a FLR,” I found myself swirling in a vortex of so many emotions: arousal, laughter, submission, desire–and sheer overall admiration for the encyclopedic kinky splendor of Mistress Sidonia’s throbbingly accomplished site.

One movie called “Sales Deal or No Deal,” showed her in Miss Harper mode as a businesswoman taking charge of a salesman trying to get her to place an order with his company; there was wry comedy as the unsuspecting, naive fellow attempted to sell her in the normal manner, and then exciting femdom interaction as Miss Harper made it apparent she was a sadist and he’d have to appease her needs in that bizarre regard in order to close the deal! Whether getting the fellow in line verbally and ordering him to strip, or with the use of implements to warm his soon-naked behind, Eve drove a pleasingly hard bargain!

It slowly dawns on him that Miss Eve Harper is one tough customer! 😮

Miss Eve Harper demonstates that she is indeed a sadist!

In another clip called “Night Pit Punishment,” she is Mistress Sidonia, taking a naked slave out into the darkness of night on the grounds around the Mansion to punish him for his day of ineptitude and insubordination. She orders him to get into a hole, several feet below the surface, under a metal grate that serves for him to temporarily extend his head to receive obediently her humiliating fluids to keep him warm inside when she leaves him alone in the chilly outside.

In an update this week, the well-known Canadian domme Mistress T has her “office bitch” worship her nylon-clad legs and then deliver the fucking she needs. This gives a hint of the range of activity found on The English Mansion: it is vast! If a lady needs to be serviced by a cock in a hardcore scene, the appropriate man, whether submissive or bull, delivers the meat; or if she wants to dish out pain or punishment, the proper minion or sissy is there for that treatment.

Who wouldn’t want to hurry back to office life with a routine like this?? 😉

The site is exceptionally well organized, with photo galleries accompanying the movies. And the videos are broken up into manageable parts so you can watch them piecemeal at your convenience if you don’t want to view a whole film all the way through at once. And, almost as the cherry on top of the sundae, is Mistress Sidonia’s exceptionally interesting and well-written blog here–which you don’t have to be a member to read–and which always has something captivating to say about a range of topics, whether kinky, femdom, or otherwise.

Top dommes of England, Europe, America, and Canada have all appeared at The English Mansion, a place which I think both John Willie or Leopold von Sacher-Masoch would find exceptionally admirable in scope and satisfaction! It’s well worth a visit for its membership price. I really enjoyed spending time wandering through the Mansion, in a manner of speaking (and I only scratched the surface!), while preparing my post about The Revenge of Adorable Gwen.

And yes, now I have lots more domme thoughts in my noggin to contemplate! 😉


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Writing a story to the paintings of Sardax in homage to the great fetish artist John Willie

Every once in a long while, if one is lucky, there comes along a special project which seems to capture the preoccupations of one’s entire career. Thus it was for me when my British friend and colleague Sardax, the formidable master artist of femdom fantasy and erotica, asked if I would like to write a story to go along with paintings which were inspired by the works of John Willie, the pioneering fetish artist who in the 1940s and ’50s created the great damsel-in-distress comic Sweet Gwendoline. Sardax’s approach, of course, was to turn the tables and make the Gwen in his paintings a dominatrix, along with her friend Secret Agent U-89.

These are the first John Willie magazines I ever saw. I purchased them instantly! 

Besides being a terrific artist, Willie had also been a fine writer, whose witty and sexy copy accompanied his paintings, drawings, and photographs in the pages of his self-published magazine, Bizarre. I liked Willie’s words as much as his art–I loved his satiric, arousing, and also compassionate take on the many aspects of kinky behavior, from crossdressing to bondage–and so I relished the opportunity of paying my homage to him by transforming his dastardly creation Sir Dystic d’Arcy from a mustachioed “villain” putting the helpless Gwen in bondage, into a closet submissive male who yearns to experience femdomination instead.

John Willie’s Sir d’Arcy captures Sweet Gwendoline with the help of the Countess.

And so, with a few tweakings I gave to the names, our heroine became Adorable Gwen aka Mistress Gwen; Agent U-89 became Agent 399 aka Mistress Carlotta; and Sir d’Arcy became Sir D’Evious Dalrymple. On a visit to a unique femdom resort in the Carpathian Mountains, which Sardax dubbed “Masotopia,” off went my imagination along with Sir D’Evious to see what happened in a castle compound full of dommes ruling over those members of 1930s English and European male society who craved the firm hand of Feminine Rule!

Sardax turns the tables on Sir d’Arcy, who’s revealed as a not-so-secret subby!

Although I am as far from being a British aristocrat as one can get (Chicago-born of Romanian and Ukrainian Jewish ancestry), I found myself getting deeply into the head of Sir Dev, as I grew to call him, because like myself, I saw him as both attracted to femdom, but blustering in eternal embarrassment by his desire for it. This conflict has been a central theme in my femdom fiction for decades, both serious and humorous, and I was able to explore through the story of Sir Dev in Masotopia, under the control of Mistresses Gwen and Carlotta, the absurd yet understandable ambivalence of the sophisticated man who fervently wishes to feel himself, as he was brought up to be, the master of all situations–but nonetheless, with a stubborn and therapy-resistant persistence, erotically craves being under the sweetly shod feet and sharp potency of the disciplinary devices and whips of damnably commanding women. “Blast these hussies!” as Sir Dev might say. And let us kiss their arses and whatever adorable vistas are permitted the devotions of our yearning lips.

So–lest my approach sound “heavy,” I want to emphasize that it is not, and I had a great deal of naughty fun writing the story, inspired by the incredible costumes and predicaments Sardax put Sir Dev into under Gwen’s guidance. Using the opportunity to indulge my pleasure in richly descriptive yet understated prose in homage both to John Willie’s style and kind of sly humor I enjoy, I found it ironically amusing as well as exceptionally stimulating to visit Masotopia in the company of Sir D’Evious Dalrymple. More than once during the writing of the story I envied the curmudgeonly gentleman his proximity to these masterful ladies, especially when he was bound in weird attire or posed in deliciously degrading situations for the amusement of the amazons of this small but potent nation!

All this is to say that YOU can take a trip to Masotopia via the fabulous femdom paysite The English Mansion here. Helmed by Mistress Sidonia von Bork, who is a terrific writer herself as evidenced by her blog here, The Revenge of Adorable Gwen has been serialized in eight chapters since April in a section dubbed “Sardax’s Garret,” with a new story chapter accompanying a new painting by Sardax uploaded on the first of each month. The fifth chapter has just gone up for August 2022.

I can remember what I was doing on the day John Alexander Scott Coutts, aka John Willie, died–August 5, 1962–but only by default. Marilyn Monroe’s death had hit the Chicago papers on Sunday morning August 5 (she’d died late the night before) and it was a big event, even for a kid like myself who didn’t know much about her other than she was a super-famous and beautiful movie star. I can’t recall now if I’d even seen any of her films yet at that point–maybe I’d seen The Seven Year Itch on tv, but I can’t be sure; but her dying so young, and presumably by suicide, was so shocking I can remember where I was when I heard it: standing in the bathroom, listening to the news on a transistor radio. I called out to my mother, who was in the kitchen, “Ma, Marilyn Monroe died!” Why would someone so famous and beautiful kill herself? One of the great mysteries of life was thus first introduced into my consciousness.

John Willie died at 59 in England on that same Sunday, but I wasn’t to discover him for approximately another eleven years. By 1974, I was living in Manhattan, and discovering my taste for Times Square and the great informal museum of porn that was 42nd Street. One night I walked into one of the seediest shops in the area–it was located on Seventh Avenue around the corner from 42nd Street–and it was basically a small but cavernous store with tables of magazines and nothing on the beige walls. After looking through some typical photo magazines, I came upon a cardboard box of items on one table that looked different from the usual ’70s smut pix of grungy chicks and hairy studs, and took into my hands elegant digest-sized periodicals wrapped in plastic with artist-rendered covers. One cover had a pretty girl in heels and chains with a devil leering behind her. Another cover was a painting of high heel shod feet with the ankles bound together with decorative ribbon. The title on both magazines was Bizarre, and I didn’t have to look inside to know that these items were worth purchasing sight unseen (the cranky looking clerk probably wouldn’t have let me open them anyway). They were $3 each then, or $18 in 2022 money; so although they sound cheap now, they weren’t: to put it into perspective, I could get two eggs, toast, potatoes and coffee for breakfast at a diner in 1974 for 79 cents, and my weekly rent for a room in a residential hotel was $23 a week, or $92 a month. In any case, I didn’t have much dough to spend from the temporary office work I did at the time, but I had to have these magazines. In the budding stages of my collecting habit, I bought them. I’d been introduced earlier to the work of Gene Bilbrew through reprints of his femdom imagery in Nugget magazine in 1973, but the creator of these Bizarre magazines was new to me, and it was the beginning of an admiration that continues to this day. I still have those issues, too. And it’s odd to me also that I can so distinctly remember the way the store looked, wherein I purchased them. I guess in a way it was a kind of momentous event! 😉

So I was very happy to come full circle, in a sense, and pay a modest literary tribute to one of my personal heroes of erotica. I hope you’ll join The English Mansion to enjoy Sardax’s gorgeous paintings and my story, and peruse too the other many delights of the site, which you can read more about here. For more info on Sardax, visit his website here.

UPDATE: Sardax just did his own blog post today (9/1/22) about the series and you can find it here!


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