Monthly Archives: October 2023

My erotic soul still lingers in the 18th century…

The writing of my new femdom erotic novella, set in the 18th century and which I mentioned in my last post, will soon come to its exciting climax…I mean, conclusion, at my desk. 😉  The tale has become much longer and more involved than I had originally anticipated, and I think I’ve just kept going because I am enjoying its twists and turns of character and setting; sensuality and poetry; and dialogue and humor. And also because it is inspired by a most lovely friend and it is going to have a sensational cover by a well-known artist of the genre.

More news when I complete and publish it! But until then, let me leave you with this fascinating article I found here, the first section of which is a description of the standards of ideal beauty in the Anglo/French and American society in the 18th century. The portrait of Marie Antoinette by Élisabeth Vigée Le Brun below is from the article, but does not represent my heroine–although by sheer coincidence (as I only just found this article and painting twenty minutes ago) their eyes do share a very similar arresting quality!

One thing I can say is: the real-life 21st century lady who has inspired my tale would well have met the exacting standards of the 18th. She has a timeless beauty herself and has a mystique that captivates a wide range of people, which is why I have her do exactly that in my story: captivate!

From Google:

But as you read the article I linked, keep in mind this observation quoted in it as well:

“Everyone will make what alteration his own taste may suggest,” which I take to mean, especially now in our far more democratic and equitable world: “to each his own.” Or her own.

Beauty, as we now acknowledge, is “multiform” and has many faces, figures, colors and shapes.

Well…my literary time machine (aka my Chromebook) is calling. The year 1718 beckons me back…

See you later!

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Posted by on October 31, 2023 in ebooks, Erotica


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