Monthly Archives: May 2023

“A certified sleaze classic”–yes, I aim to please! ;)

In the middle of May 2023 I was interviewed for a very interesting podcast called Tales from the Mall. Host Brendan, who can be found on Twitter at @luso_brendan here, talks with and records his interviewees on a wide variety of topics over the phone or Zoom while he walks around various malls in Arizona, where he lives.

We had a fun two-hour-plus chat about many different subjects, focusing on my career in porn, how I got into it and so forth; erotic artists I’ve known and worked with like Sardax, with whom I recently collaborated on Tamara, Eternal Dominatrix; but also spending much time discussing film noir and noir fiction, touching especially on the recent novels of contemporary noir novelist Jay Cameron Parker; the summer I worked as an NBC page in NYC and briefly met Julie “Catwoman” Newmar backstage at NBC’s Tonight Show in the early ’70s Johnny Carson years; my constant strolling around New York City, going to BDSM dungeons and dominatrices, and lots more! It can be found on his Patreon account here

One tweeter described it as a “certified sleaze classic.” Sounds good to me! We certainly covered a lot of ground in the podcast, too, for those who like to leaven their sleaze with other ingredients, like film noir. 😉

It’s always nice to be called an “extraordinary genius writer” but I won’t let it go to my head. I hear something in my ear like what the guys said who stood behind the commanders when they marched triumphantly back into ancient Rome after successful campaigns doing what Romans did to everybody, conquering them:

“Remember, thou art only a man!”

In my case I also hear, as a late art director named Charley would proclaim when he saw me in the office to edit some of my “dirty” magazines:

“You little sleazeball!”

Thanks to Brendan for this opportunity to chat and, of course, to promote my femdom erotica on Kindle as well as my new “specialty library” of more psychological fiction and my noir novel Fate of a Stripper, all of which you can find here

This book takes you back to 1978 NYC and Times Square in all their sleazy allure!
Where will a conversation in a midtown Manhattan bar lead a dedicated bookworm and a feisty redhead who tempts and puzzles him in equal measure?
My noirish psychological suspense novel set in Times Square as it was right up to the pandemic...and one of the best things I’ve ever written.


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