Monthly Archives: September 2011

Will Christina Ricci sexually enslave men in her new show Pan Am?

I’ve been seeing all these print ads for the upcoming tv show Pan Am, which is set in the 1960s and is supposed to be one of the programs influenced by the retro-themed success of Mad Men. Everywhere I go, one person in the ads stands out: Christina Ricci in her stewardess outfit, as in this great pic I found here.

Those big eyes promise a world of sexy trouble!

I’m funny about modern actresses. I rarely see their movies, because few of their flicks appeal to me as much as the movies I can imagine in my head, starring them. Not full-length movies, just…scenes. Know what I mean? So they are more like pinup girls to me, even in shots where they are fully decked out, like the one below which I found here.

Maybe this show will get women wearing gloves again?

Another retro-themed show this upcoming season is called The Playboy Club, and maybe that’ll be interesting. But I tend to find the less obvious approach to stimulation, like a stewardess uniform versus a Bunny outfit, to be more effective. What do you think? Check out this image below which I found here.

When I was a teenager, the Playboy Club was viewed as an icon of bachelor supremacy and sophistication. We couldn't wait to grow up and join, but by the time we were ready, it was gone.

Maybe Christina Ricci’s character could have a layover on a Pan Am episode in Chicago, and go with one of her passengers to The Playboy Club? Both shows are set in the 60s.

Christina once did a movie called Miranda that had considerable foot fetish action. You can see some of it on YouTube here. She has quite nice feet. I can’t remember the movie well now–it was from quite a few years ago–but I recall being startled at just how much foot worship it showed.

The real question for me as a writer of femdom erotica is…will Christina Ricci enslave us (ME?) in her new role as Maggie on Pan Am? Hmm…what do you think?? Make your decision from the shot below which I found here.

Maybe one of her Pan Am passengers will want to kiss her feet!

Yep…I hope Pan Am is a success, and Christina gets to enslave as many of us (ME!) as possible!!

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Posted by on September 5, 2011 in Erotica


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